09th December 2009

White Rose to the rescue!

Yorkshire based White Rose Exhibitions came to the assistance of Dubai based contractor when visa problems prevented their stand fitters building a key stand at Professional Beauty 09 in Manchester.

Yorkshire based White Rose Exhibitions came to the assistance of Dubai based contractor when visa problems prevented their stand fitters building a key stand at Professional Beauty 09 in Manchester.

The stand, which had been built in Dubai, was shipped to the UK and arrived in time for the show. However, visas for the stand fitters were were not forthcoming which risked there being a large hole on the show floor. With an impending need to need to deliver a stand for the exhibitor, Ian Solomon of EMAP, organisers of Professional Beauty and AEO member, placed a call to Chris Skeith of ESSA for assistance. A request for assistance was emailed to members of the association which resulted in an immediate response to EMAP from White Rose who said they could deliver the stand in time.

With a two day build, two day show and six hour pull-out the timings were very tight and when the container that had transported the stand from Dubai was opened it was clear that all was not well. The stand had suffered some significant damage in transit. 

Undaunted White Rose set to work replacing and repairing the damaged stand parts. The stand was completed on time and seamlessly as far as the exhibitor was concerned.

Mark Vertigans of White Rose said: “We saw the request for assistance from ESSA and responded immediately, it was quite clearly a project that we could undertake. What we were less prepared for was the amount of work needed and the tight time scales that this caused. I am delighted to say that the team here moved mountains to deliver this stand and make sure that the client, Dubai contractor and the organisers had a stand they could be proud of when the show opened.”

“On this occasion ESSA provided a vital link between the contractor in Dubai and White Rose, and we have returned the stand ready for the next show.” he added.
Ian Solomon, Operations Director for EMAP added: "We were incredibly grateful to White Rose Exhibitions for the job they did for one of our first time exhibitors at this year's Professional Beauty Manchester exhibition. Mark and his team really stepped up to the plate at what can only be described as the last minute. At times, it appeared as if their challenge increased with every turn but they really pulled out all the stops. In order to ensure that our client was able to present themselves at the show in the desired manner, White Rose had to carry out an amazing amount of on-site remedial work to the stand itself, whilst liaising between Hall Management, Health & Safety and Structural Engineer staff. When it was complete, you really would not have known that it had taken so much thought and effort to get there! Our client was extremely pleased with how they handled the difficult situation and just got on with the job at hand - I was certainly glad that I had picked up the phone to Chris Skeith when faced with a problem that could have lead to us losing a significant stand at the show."

Much of the original stand had to be scrapped, the rest was retained by White Rose which saved the client the cost of shipping it back to Dubai. Additionally White Rose now have another stand to build for the client using the saved stand elements – very green very recyclable – very adaptable.

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