05th January 2010

Insurance for Exhibitions – Protect Your Business

A great way to expand your business is by planning events.

A great way to expand your business is by planning events. These events can be a variety of things from conventions, meetings, galleries, or any other type of event of the promotional variety. Insurance for exhibitions can be very beneficial. You must protect your business and making sure you have coverage for your events is the best way to do that.

The types of coverage that your business can obtain are varying and can be a great peace of mind for any business owner. You have to make sure that you know exactly what your business needs for each specific event that is planned. When planning your event you have to keep in mind the most important aspects which are: 

● Public Liability

● Employee Liability

● Property Coverage

● Cancellation and Abandonment Coverage

● The Type of Event

● Time and Date of the Event

● Amount of Attendees

● Price of the Policy

Public liability will cover any accidents or claims that may arise at your event. It is important your insurance for exhibitions covers this. The amount of attendees will often have an affect on the price of the policy and this type of liability coverage is usually compulsory.

It is important to determine who will be working your event. Once you determine how many employees will be present you can set the employee liability coverage. This type of coverage makes sure that any claim brought by your staff is covered and the price for this coverage depends again on the amount of employees present at the event.

Property coverage is exactly what it sounds like. Your insurance for exhibitions should cover that property where the event is being held and all of the property that is brought in and taken to and from the event. The price here is determined by the amount of property that needs to be covered and for how long.

It is very important for a business to get coverage that includes cancellation and abandonment. There are many reasons why an event may be cancelled or abandoned so it is wise to have every angle covered here as most of these reasons are beyond the business owner’s control.

As mentioned earlier there are several types of events and each business should decided exactly what type of event would be right for them. At this point the time and date of the event should be set in accordance with what is best for the company. These things along with all of the other variables will be dependent factors for the price of your insurance for exhibitions premium.

Be sure to ask as many questions as you want and remember to go over every detail with your agent so that you can be sure that your business has the best policy put in place. The process of obtaining a quote is pretty basic. A business will have a plan in place for their event and should always do their research thoroughly. Once a company is picked and applications are sent in then the company will send an underwriter out to assess the event and all aspects. At this point a policy is put in place and your business has insurance for exhibitions covered.
