Your Credit Card Terminal Can Process Mail and Telephone Orders
A credit card terminal is ideal for businesses, which process mail
and telephone orders, sole traders as well as freelancers. It allows
you to process payments on any device connected to the internet without
the need for any expensive integration or a website. It also enables
your customers to shop more by providing them with the credit card
facility, as many of them who come to your shop or store may only buy
one thing because they don’t have enough cash. It’s a great way of
saving money and time, as you can simply process payments securely
simply by logging in to your merchant extranet.
• A traditional credit card terminal also known as physical terminal
also known as physical terminal has a small display screen, a keypad and
a magnetic stripe reader. It is ergonomically designed for easy use on
the counter, usually used by companies that process mail or telephone
orders without a website, freelancers and sole traders, ranging from
designers to plumbers, that take one-off or quote-based payments or
housing associations for taking payments for rent via their call
• This type of terminal has security core architecture, which ensures
fast and secure processing and offers ideal payment solution for
merchants with limited counter space. Once in you can process
straightaway and each transaction is authorised in real time, that is
within a few seconds by your bank and the money goes straight into your
• With the help of a wireless credit card terminal, you can quite easily
broadcast card data exercising either satellite system or cellular
system. It is mainly used by irregular businesses, including taxi
business, craft show, trade show vendors and much more. It has fast
charge long life battery for up to 200 transactions and offers
flexibility to take payment at table, on the move or on delivery, but
can however be an unnecessary expenditure for those businesses that
don't really need them and are easy to lose as they get carried around
more. It usually comes with the batteries and is shock-resistance as any
terminal that gets carried around is going to be dropped occasionally.
• It is quite ideal for today's demanding retail environment and capable
of processing a large amount of transactions reliably every day. You
can also take advantage of reduced setup costs with the multiple
handsets, which can connect to a single base. Some of them are less
expensive, easier to secure and faster to process than many others.
• Some companies provide members with a completely wireless solution to
process secure credit and debit card transactions without the need or
expense of fixed telephone lines. They have experienced members of staff
to offer support and help. You can purchase your terminals from another
company, if do not like the ones your merchant account provider has to
A credit card terminal provides a significant advantage for many
businesses, as it can help you do transactions with a credit or a debit
and be used with any merchant account.