25th February 2009

Online company increases its line of banner stands

An exhibition display equipment company has enlarged its product line from a choice of six banner stands to over 30, it . . .

<p>An <a href="http://www.tsnn.co.uk/exhibition_display_equipment/suppliers" target="self">exhibition display equipment </a>company has enlarged its product line from a choice of six <a href="http://www.tsnn.co.uk/banner_stands/suppliers" target="self">banner stands </a>to over 30, it has announced.</p><p>The firm, popup-direct.co.uk, says it has expanded its portfolio following consistent sales and business growth.</p><p>Layth Karagholi, managing director of the online enterprise, claims its competitiveness in the conferencing technology market has led to it doing "very well", despite the credit crunch.</p><p>"We are finding that companies can get the same quality and effectiveness of exhibition stand from us with their reduced budget as we are most likely lower cost than their current suppliers," he states.</p><p>Mr Karagholi asserts that businesses benefit from a combination of low prices and customer service, as well as designs with unique features.</p><p>Recently, Think Green Displays launched its new website, claiming to offer the world's first truly green <a href="http://www.tsnn.co.uk/exhibition_display_equipment/suppliers" target="self">exhibition display equipment</a>, including eco-friendly <a href="http://www.tsnn.co.uk/banner_stands/suppliers" target="self">banner stands</a>, made from environmentally and socially responsible materials.<br/><img alt="ADNFCR-1753-ID-19045148-ADNFCR" src="http://feeds.directnews.co.uk/feedtrack/justcopyright.gif?feedid=1753&it..." /></p>

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