05th January 2010

Insurance Liability – A Valuable Piece

There are many pieces to a successful coverage policy.

There are many pieces to a successful coverage policy. The most important piece might be insurance liability. There are many different kinds of agencies and brokerages however each of them puts an intense focus on this aspect of the coverage. Risk financing has become extremely important in these difficult times.

When deciding what is good for your business it is common to overlook the coverage that is already in place or even may not be in place. It seems that it has been there forever and no need to change or update it. But this might be a lapse in judgment as appropriate coverage or lack thereof can make or break a business.

Due to the negligence of companies and individuals alike being sued is at an all-time high. These numbers continue to soar and it is important that a business has insurance liability that will cover them when needed. This type of coverage is mandatory but the right amount with the right premiums is not. 

By deciding what types of coverage your business needs you can also decide what types of premiums with maximums and limitations are right for your business. It can be hard to determine exactly what amounts are right but luckily each agency or brokerage has experts that can help. As a business it is vital that you ask questions and understand your policy thoroughly. Understanding your policy can allow your business to make sound decisions to help increase profits.

There are three main types of insurance liability coverage. They are: 

● Public

● Product

● Employers

Public is that type of coverage that covers any person or persons that may be present and injured or killed during your events. Basically it means anyone who may suffer from the negligence of your company that is not a part of your company. This covers visitors, trespassers, and sub-contractors. It is important to remember that this type of coverage also covers damage to personal property of anyone mentioned in this group.

Product insurance liability is required for those that are manufacturing or supplying goods. These goods cover all varieties and the possibility of being sued can range from the smallest to the largest of consumer goods. Employers’ coverage covers the employer in the case that an employee is injured during his tenure of employment with the company. The risks here seem that they may be covered or run together. Any risks here should include bodily injury or property damage which can be caused directly or indirectly by the business.

Deciding which coverage is best for your business can be a daunting task. But making sure that your company is insured is very important and any business savvy person can see what the difference could be. Incurring a loss through being sued can be a crippling experience even for larger businesses. Costs can be incurred for everything from paying out legal consultation to paying out the claim. Insurance liability can help offset these costs if the right policy is set in place.
