G20 could choose Birmingham as a conference venue
<p><a href="http://www.tsnn.co.uk/conference_organisers/suppliers" target="self">Conference organisers</a> may be looking to Birmingham for examples on how to successfully hold an event.</p><p>The West Midlands city is pushing to host the G20 summit in April - a prestigious event that will see the world's most powerful leaders sit around the one table.</p><p>The event's organisers will be even more excited than normal should the city win the right to host the conference. This year's summit will be the first for popular newly elected US president Barack Obama.</p><p>Birmingham City Council leader Mike Whitby, who is one of the main <a href="http://www.tsnn.co.uk/event_management_organisers/suppliers" target="self">event organisers</a>, said the city would be an ideal venue for the conference.</p><p>"The G20 Summit would follow so closely to the Conservative conference in Birmingham where so many ambassadors were left impressed," he said.</p><p>"This is a welcoming city and the members of the G20 are the countries I have targeted - China and India.</p><p>"The summit will be good for the city's economy and remind people the UK is more than one city, it's not all about London, we have a lot to offer too."</p><p>If the summit does go ahead in the city, it could see Birmingham become a huge centre for conferences and events.<br/><img alt="ADNFCR-1753-ID-18887225-ADNFCR" src="http://feeds.directnews.co.uk/feedtrack/justcopyright.gif?feedid=1753&it..." /></p>