05th January 2010

Exhibition Furniture – What You Need

Your business is planning a great event. All of the details are covered.

Your business is planning a great event. All of the details are covered. Beautiful decorations have been set up, employees are up to speed on what to do, and each and every detail has been thought about. Are you sure? Is your exhibition furniture insured?  Do you even know what that is?

If your business answered any of those questions “no”, do not fear there are answers out there for you. No you do not have insurance coverage, well then the first step would be figuring out what type of coverage your business needs. To do this you will need to know exactly what type of event you have planned and all of the details for this event.

To get exhibition furniture insurance you must provide all of the details to a broker or agent and decide whether or not to accept their policy they are willing to provide. The type of coverage and policy provided will vary greatly depending on many things, some of those things are:

● Your Type of Business

● The Type of Event you will be hosting

● Amount of Attendees

● Amount of Employees

● Indoors or Outdoors

● Items that need coverage

These are just a few things, your broker or agent will go over further things with you.  Your business may not be insurable by the firm that you are inquiring about if this is the case it is always advised to get another opinion from another firm or agency. In any case the business should always test the market by inquiring within several firms or agencies for the appropriate type of exhibition furniture insurance that is needed.

Your type of business is very important as it will determine what needs to be insured. You may be an art institution or some other type of museum with high priced antiques. If that is the case your insurance premiums will be higher because you need to insure each item for the price of its value. The type of event that you are planning on having is also important because only items that provide risk need to be insured.

Liability insurance is very important because most unexpected claims come from attendees or employees causing unforeseen accidents. Make sure that your business knows exactly what limitations are set on your policy. Exhibition furniture insurance can cover many things including theft, fire, flood, but may also include many other things.  Be sure to know these as well.

Knowing your business as well as the firm or agency that you are dealing with can allow you to make sound decisions regarding your coverage and policy. If an accident or unforeseen act occurs and a claim is brought up then your business will be covered and the worst case scenario has been avoided. Exhibition furniture insurance can help keep your company safe and sound while still allowing for a great show to go on. Any business that wishes to be successful will continue to have events and shows in the future and knowing which firms or agencies to trust can go a long way towards accomplishing that goal.

Air Jordan News