05th January 2010

Events Liability Insurance – Know Your Risks

A business can be successful in many ways.

A business can be successful in many ways. Once a business has established a following it is very common to plan a convention or exhibition to showcase in an area where they do not have a physical presence. Events liability insurance can provide that business with a safe feeling knowing that their products are covered.

Coverage for any business can be a tricky situation. The business must understand what type of coverage they need but before they can do that, they have to assess the risks.  There are many types of risks that can affect the type and amount of coverage that a provider will offer. Knowing these risks up front can help a business pick a policy that is perfect for their needs.

It is not uncommon for the business that is acquiring coverage to have staff that can dictate what type of coverage is needed. The best thing about events liability insurance is that it covers any risk that may arise which allows the business to focus on making their convention or exhibition a success. 

There are many types of shows that are covered by providers. Your business should know beforehand what type of show they wish to have and the amount of people who will be attending the event, both employees and consumers. Some of the more common shows are:

● Animal Shows
● Art Festivals
● Auctions
● Concerts
● Consumer Shows
● Conventions
● Dances
● Exhibitions
● Fairs
● Fashion Shows
● Fundraisers
● Luncheons
● Meetings
● Parties
● Picnics
● Receptions
● Seminars

There are some other types of shows but the business needs to contact their coverage provider to make sure they are covered. In some instances a provider will offer coverage for an odd or rare show but the cost will be premium. If this is the type of show your business wishes to have then you have to determine whether the benefit outweighs the cost.

Knowing the limitations of your coverage is very important to having a successful show. Of course to know the limitations of your coverage you have to know the limitations of the products and your own business. An underwriter should come out to assess any risks that may occur during your show. Once the time table is set and the underwriter has assessed the risks then an events liability insurance policy may be issued.

Your business should be sure to go over every aspect. Any questions should be asked immediately. Coverage, limitations, and exclusions will vary from provider to provider.  Keep in mind that coverage can only be provided up to the value of the items that are being covered.

The process of applying for events liability insurance can be simple. Be sure to fill out all of the application forms correctly as processing errors can cause great delays when applying for your coverage. The underwriter will assess your risks, offer your business coverage (as long as you are approved, some businesses may be found to be uninsurable), and your business will then decide if the offered coverage is adequate.

Your businesses can then move on and focus on the show. Once the proper coverage is in place then it is smooth sailing. Events liability insurance can provide you with the peace of mind you need!
