A Credit Terminal For All Types of Credit Card Processing
When you shop for a credit terminal, you must give weight to the
different types of credit card processing that you may need for your
business and purchase or lease the equipment that will allow for all of
those types of processing. If you aren't sure as to which types of
processing you will need, take a look at the information included here.
- Point
of Sale Processing - This is credit card processing that takes place in
person, in the location where the sale is being made - at the point of
sale. Point of Sale is often abbreviated as POS. It typically requires
the presence of credit card processing equipment, and the presence of
the person who owns the credit card.
- Online Processing - This
type of processing actually requires software on your computer, with a
merchant account and a payment gateway. Online processing does not
require the presence of a credit terminal. Obviously, this is not
typically used for POS; it actually can be used in this way as well.
Often, you will have the ability for POS processing with equipment, and
the ability to accept online processing as well - as an added bonus.
Online processing is available for customers, but it is also possible
to use online software to process cards yourself - without the
customer, which leads us to telephone and mail order processing.
- Telephone
and Mail Order Processing - This is for orders that are taken either
over the telephone, or through the mail. Obviously, in both instances,
the actual credit card is not present, and neither is the owner of the
card. Not all merchant accounts will allow for this type of processing,
however when these are allowed by your merchant account, you will
typically do this type of processing with computer software. Special
rules always apply when the credit card is not present, and you need to
discuss this with your merchant account service.
- Mobile
Processing - Mobile processing is any processing that you do away from
your usual place of business. For mobile processing, you need a mobile
credit terminal. Mobile processing is needed at trade shows, expos, and
many other instances where you can conduct business away from the
office or store. There are numerous devices available for mobile
processing. These devices are typically very small, and do not weight
much, making them quite portable.
- Swiping Options - Different
equipment has different swiping options - either you will swipe the
card for the customer, the customer will swipe the card themselves, or
you will input the credit card numbers using a keypad. If customers
will swipe the cards themselves, you will need an external swiping
device with a keypad in most cases.
Again, make sure
that you are getting the Credit Terminal that will allow for the type
or types of credit card processing that your business needs. Your best
bet for the money is to find physical terminals that also offer you the
option of using software for online transactions as well, so that you
can serve customers locally and globally.