15th May 2008

10-9-8-7-6 The Final Countdown To All-Energy ’08!

With just a week to go before All-Energy ‘08 opens in Aberdeen (Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, 21 and 22 May), the UK’s largest renewable energy show has, once again, beaten all its previous records.

With just a week to go before All-Energy ‘08 opens in Aberdeen (Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, 21 and 22 May), the UK’s largest renewable energy show has, once again, beaten all its previous records.

There are more exhibitors filling more space at the eighth show in the annual series; more speakers in its highly topical and relevant conference; registrations to attend are coming in at a record pace from home and overseas (currently running at 25% more than in 2007); the BERR/UKTI inward mission programme has attracted over a hundred overseas visitors from 26 countries; and Scottish Enterprise/SDI missions are also coming from China and Japan. What’s more the show has just attracted an additional high profile sponsor.

All-Energy is held in association with BWEA, Scottish Renewables and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG). “The renewables industry is an exciting place to be right now and there are companies in Aberdeen City and Shire who have what it takes to innovate and compete in a fast growing multi billion pound global sector,” says Morag McCorkindale, Chief Operating Officer, AREG. “We look forward to meeting many visitors to All-Energy ‘08 and the opportunity to share our capabilities and future ambitions."

Aberdeen City and Shire is the host sponsor of All-Energy; and the event has attracted other high profile sponsors including Innovative Wind Power and The Carbon Trust; and - most recently - Abu Dhabi’s Masdar.

“We are delighted that Masdar has joined us as a sponsor of All-Energy ‘08,” says project director, Judith Patten of Media Generation Events Ltd organisers of the show in partnership with Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre. “During the course of next week’s All-Energy, representatives of Masdar will be delivering a presentation on Masdar investment opportunities to a specially invited audience.”

Masdar City will be the world’s ‘Silicon Valley’ for clean technology. Within the City’s walls, leading companies, researchers and entrepreneurs will live and work to create a community and economy that seeks to develop sustainable solutions to the global energy and environmental challenges we face. Masdar City is one of many revolutionary projects under the Masdar Initiative, a landmark program launched by the Abu Dhabi government to secure a sustainable energy future for the world. The Masdar Initiative represents a $15 billion commitment by Abu Dhabi – the largest single government investment of its kind – which will be used to develop solutions to some of mankind's most pressing issues: energy security and supply, climate change and truly sustainable human development.

Compelling and topical conference
All-Energy ‘08 opens on 21 May with a high profile plenary session. The Lord Provost of the City of Aberdeen will welcome participants; there will be keynote presentations from three Energy Ministers - Malcolm Wicks MP from Westminster, Jim Mather MSP from Holyrood, and Liv Monica Stubholt from Norway; as well as industry keynotes from Ian Marchant, Chief Executive of Scottish and Southern Energy; and John Westwood of Douglas-Westwood.

On 22 May, plenary session speakers are Dr David Clarke, Chief Executive, Energy Technologies Institute; Christopher Hunt, a Managing Director of Riverstone Holdings LLC; Dale Seymour, Deputy Secretary – Energy, Resources and Major Projects, Department of Primary Industries, State of Victoria, Australia; Kenichi Suganuma, Consul General, Consulate-General of Japan; and Tavish Scott MSP who, as Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee will be launching an inquiry into Scotland’s Energy Future.

After the plenary session on both days the free-to-attend conference then breaks into five parallel sessions featuring sessions and streams on every renewable energy sources; and on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry ranging from skills to supply chain; the grid to EU targets; the effects of peak oil/$100 barrel to the needs of the farming community; and the road to commercialisation to low carbon buildings and microgeneration.

Larger than ever
The exhibition, with over 380 exhibiting companies from a dozen countries is, at 3500m2, 30% larger than the 2007 exhibition, with exhibits encompassing every form of renewables and the goods and services needed by the industry. There are overseas groups from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Flanders, New Zealand, and Norway; as well large pavilions from Aberdeen City and Shire; the East of England; Fife; Highlands and Islands and Orkney; a large hydrogen and fuel cell pavilion – H208; and hundreds of individual companies and organisations from far and wide flocking to Aberdeen for what has been termed “the AGM of the renewable energy industry”

It’s an AGM that has a fun side too, with its now-traditional Giant Networking Evening – this year with a funfair theme; as well as plenty of other networking opportunities, including a reception in the Jobs Zone of the show sponsored by Hamilton Consultants; and a Civic Reception generously hosted by Aberdeen City Council

All-Energy has The Society for Underwater Technology as its learned society patron; and 30 supporting organisations who help determine the content of the conference and spread the word about All-Energy at home and overseas.

All-Energy ’08 is free to attend for all with a business/professional interest in renewable energy. Further information on all aspects of the show including the exhibitor list, full conference programme and online registration, and also available from 44 (0)1423 524545.

Air Jordan VI High