Need to create the WOW factor for your next exhibition or event?
Imagine an EXACT replica of your product 10,20 or 100 times bigger?
Stackawraps are simply oversized photo realistic replicas: reusable and flat-packable for easy storage, transport and assembly. Revolutionising the old time solid fibreglass like structures, these light weight durable StackaWraps offer a cost effective alternative.
Creating you a stunning photo realistic replica from single images, our unique software generates your desired shapes and sizes. StackaWraps are simple: a dye sub printed jacket wrap, a set of individually shaped bulkheads and a central spine stack. The bulkheads are slotted over a central stacking tube in a set order to create a skeletal contour; the printed fire-resistant wrap is then placed over, zipped up tightly giving a perfect replica of a product, logo, and detailing that sensory marketing demands.
The specification can be very lightweight, for example a 5ft replica weighs less than 5kg making easy transportation and able to be suspended above a exhibition stand.
We are able to produce “one offs” at an affordable cost and thanks to us being a UK manufacturer our lead times are very good.
Now all you have to do is call or email us today, send us your photo, sizing and quantities. StackaWraps are sensationally simple, and will get right back to you with the price.

Air Zoom Vomero 12