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A free to attend, educational trade show, focusing on the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Lead Generation in modern day business. According to hubspot, '78% of Internet users conduct produ... Read more
A free to attend, educational trade show, focusing on the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Lead Generation in modern day business. According to hubspot, '78% of Internet users conduct product research online. That means your website stands a good chance of being a prospect's "first impression." That also means your new business card isn't a business card—it's Google'. With that in mind, it is essential that your 'shop window'- website gives the best impression of your company to your prospects. Hubspot also claim that, 'Inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than traditional, outbound marketing'. Which means that, digital marketing channels are the most cost effective form of lead generation. The Digital Innovation Show, is a one day event, educating bussness owners and professionals, on the latest digital tools and trends in 2017, to maximise your ROI, stay ahead of your competition and achieve growth in a digital world! 10:15 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: How to nurture and generate leads through social media. Speaker - Warren Knight CEO of Think #Digital First 11:15 HOW TO GENERATE MORE BUSINESS ONLINE (SEO): Speaker - The Digital Garage from Google 13:15 ACCOUNT BASED MARKETING: The latest trend in Digital Marketing. Speaker - Mark Wright winner of the apprentice. 14:15 ANALYTICS FOR BUSINESS GROWTH: The latest innovations in analytical technology. Speaker- Adam Greenwood CEO Greenwood Campbell LEARN, NETWORK, GROW with the Digital Innovation Show! Follow us on twitter: #LearnNetworkGrow @getdigital2017
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